Purge Parasites Pronto

Reduce Toxins In Your Body

Course Summary

Parasites put out nasty toxins while they make their home in our bodies.  This course offers an easy way to cut those parasites to pieces!

Course Curriculum

Pam Schmidt

Howdy! As The Chemical Minimalist, I help people Reduce Toxins in these ways:
-Limit toxic exposure in the home
-Find healthier food options and limit toxic foods
-Purge toxic parasites from our bodies
THIS is the key to living 
A Happy Healthy Life!

Pam is fantastic! I loved following her on the session, she's a fountain of knowledge and is passionate about getting chemicals out of our lives so we can be healthier. She has great resources, I love how she breaks things down by area/room of the house so I can baby-step my way to reducing harsh chemicals. She's caring and understanding too. She's been there! Her suggestions are doable and not overwhelming. Thanks Pam!! 🧡 C.C.

Course Pricing

  • Purge Parasites Pronto
  • $7 USD

    Learn some basics of internal parasites. You'll also discover an easy daily step to kick these critters OUT!

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