CLEANSE: Parasite Basics

for Reducing Toxins in Your Body


e-book Summary

Your CLEANSE-Parasite Basics has the following components:
*An explanation of WHAT are parasites?
*Identification of HOW we are exposed to parasites.
*A list of symptoms potentially caused by parasites.
*Behavior traits of parasites.
*A checklist of basic tools to cleanse of parasites  

THIS is the info I wished to find in one non-intimidating PDF. It’s just enough info to prevent overwhelm.  I know this topic can easily overwhelm, and I want to limit that feeling.  You'll get this 20 page e-book sent to your email address.

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  • CLEANSE-Parasite Basics
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Pam Schmidt

Howdy! As The Chemical Minimalist, I help people Reduce Toxins in these ways:
-Limit toxic exposure in the home
-Find healthier food options and limit toxic foods
-Purge toxic parasites from our bodies
THIS is the key to living 
A Happy Healthy Life!